Welcome to Sophelia's Japan

A blog about adventures, academia, adoption and other things starting with the letter 'A'.
I'm a geek, a metal head, a shiba inu wrangler and a vegetarian, and I write about all of the above. You have been warned!

Smiley hikers

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Tokyo Medical University Scandal and a Broken Social Contract

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Image from https://twitter.com/BFJNews/status/1026697347856838656 Even if you don’t usually follow Japanese news, you’ll have no doubt read about the Tokyo Medical University scandal by now. In summary, women were outperforming...
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Sunday, 2 July 2017

Pictures are... Gone.

So Photobucket have suddenly decided they won't allow hotlinking, and have punished me by suspending my account (and locking all my photos) until I pay them a hefty ransom. Which I won't be doing, because I have no money. So... yeah. Screw them. I apologise that most of the pictures on this blog are no longer visible....
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Thursday, 25 May 2017

Over-worked Teachers

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A few weeks ago the Asahi Shimbun published an article reporting that public school teachers are now considered at risk of death from over work (karoshi). The article opens with The minister of education, Hirokazu Matsuno, expressed...
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Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Life After Institutionalisation

Copyrighted by Human Rights Watch Tiger was telling me last-night about an orphanage trip to USJ. They'd gone on the Jaws ride, but he didn't know what a shark was so he didn't really understand it. His main impression was...
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Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Like a fish out of water I used to think of cultural habits as located in the mind, but since attempting to reintegrate into life in Australia I have found my body far more often than my mind either betraying my acquired foreignness,...
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Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Monkey Tourists

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The past few years have seen some really funny and creative tourism campaigns from Oita, a prefecture mainly known for onsen and monkeys. I never got around to blogging about the international toilet festival, which is a shame...
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Saturday, 15 April 2017

Kyushu Quakes, Remembering a Year On

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Taken from this album  On Thursday night we had the strongest quake we'd ever felt. Tiger slept right through it, unlike Hayate. We saw on the news the next day that it had originated in Kumamoto and seven or eight...
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